


正规博彩十大网站排名是国防软件解决方案的领先开发者, 航空航天, 以及全球的商业航空客户. 作为航空和地理空间数据的市场领导者, 我们专注于任务规划的解决方案, 导航, 以及空投计划和执行. 正规博彩十大网站排名 has deep subject matter expertise in the aeronautical domain and exceptional experience delivering that expertise through software solutions across global military and commercial aviation markets.

航空套件包括一系列高精度, mission-focused, and military grade software products enabled by a seamless combination of 技术 capabilities, 软件能力, 以及贯穿整个解决方案生命周期的领域专业知识. 从产品设计和开发到解决方案测试, 业务集成, 和维护, 我们的成功建立在自我组织的基础上, scaled agile teams that optimize our processes from development to delivery.



  • A SAF(e)模型

    一个瘦, software-centric organizational model designed around the Scaled Agile Framework SAF(e) supports our Agile ethos and DevSecOps practices.

  • DevSecOps

    成熟的DevSecOps实践可以提高产品质量, solution security and development velocity while enabling continuous software delivery.

  • 能力成熟度模型集成(CMMI.0三级

    CMMI-appraised processes ensure rigor, consistency and best-practice software development.

  • 模块化的方法

    A portfolio of custom building-block tools and applications allows a modular approach to integrated software solutions.


  • 空投溶液

    雅各布斯空投解决方案允许美国.S. and allied air forces to execute high precision air drop missions that range from troop insertions, 向先进部队提供后勤支援, 重要的人道主义援助. Through incorporation of custom analytical and automation algorithms, our solution delivers a 98% reduction in drop zone size while simultaneously raising the air drop release point by 500% with no loss in accuracy, which keeps ground crews safer and our flight crews out of harms way.

  • 任务规划

    雅各布斯任务规划解决方案被美国空军使用.S. and allied air forces across the full lifecycle of an aviation mission – from front-end planning through flight mission execution – across multiple mission sets and multiple flight platforms.

  • 导航数据

    Built to standards only imposed by high-stakes military aviation missions, 正规博彩十大网站排名导航数据解决方案提供准确的数据, 精确的, and trusted aeronautical 导航 capabilities for both governmental and commercial customers. 通过自动化审查, 清洗, 以及不断发展的地理空间大数据集的打包, our 导航数据 solution ensures our customers are equipped with the most accurate, 最新的, 以及可靠的航空导航能力.

